Séminaire de Elena Alekseenko (Laboratoire d’Océanologie et de Géosciences, Wimereux)

Zoom seminar

Elena Alekseenko (Laboratoire d’Océanologie et de Géosciences, Wimereux). 

Numerical modeling of coupled physico-biological processes and particle dynamics 

Modeling is a powerful tool for coupling processes under different disciplines and scales. Models integrating hydrodynamical, biogeochemical and particulate transport allow (i) to study spatio-temporal variability and flow of suspended particles of inorganic and organic origin and (ii) to understand the contribution of material flows related to processes, such as: forcing and hydrodynamic regimes, resuspension and sedimentation process, terrestrial and atmospheric deposition, biogeochemical processes (growth, predation, excretion, mortality, mineralization, etc) according to the choices of the marine food-web functional groups. During this seminar I will talk about my experience in coupled modelling and about my previous projects related to this topic, and also about my research objectives in the LOG for long- and short-terms. 

Enregistrement vidéo du séminaire: nextcloud.univ-lille.fr/index.php/s/ccMzqF5ytytCJmt